Your Local Independent Pharmacy since 2010

At Callendar Pharmacy we understand the importance of providing excellent prescription services as well as first class information, advice and education on health matters to our customers.

We owe much of our success to our pharmacy staff and take pride in the fact they are highly skilled to meet the health care needs of the people of Falkirk. The information contained within our website allows us to extend our first class customer service 24 hours a day.

Falkirk’s local independent pharmacy since 2010. We like to think this means that we will go the extra mile to provide you the best service in the area. The owner of the shop is also the working pharmacist. This means we can tailor your needs around that of the pharmacy. It also means that unlike other larger high street chains we are not tied down to one specific wholesaler. We have access to all wholesalers in the UK. This means we are less likely to go out of stock of your important medication. You can be rest assured that if we can’t obtain something then no one in the area can.

Thank you for visiting the Callendar Pharmacy website and for supporting us – supporting you.

Callendar Pharmacy About Us

Find out more

Please feel free to contact us for advice and to find out more about the services we offer instore and online.